Wednesday 28 December 2011

Tuesday 27 December 2011

Comedy Central Friends Ident

Hustle Intro

BBC 2 Christmas Ident

BBC 2 Idents

BBC 2 Christmas

BBC Knowlege

Fleet Foxes



This is a little long winded but it is intresting the way th type works throught the video to create the world at the end.

Vanishing Point

Just a really good use of after effects, I know not 100% relevant but the effects used would be intresting if applied to type.

War of the Worlds

The use of sound in this example is very important, but if you listen to it on mute, the video still expresses the tension found when with the volume on, which is interesting that that can still be achieved.

Kinetic Type

This Video is a good example of Kinetic type showing of loads of different effects that look great but are altogther quite simple to create using After Effect.

BBC 2 Refresh

Sunday 4 December 2011

Kinetic Type 2

I have once again taken 25 screen shots from the same video but this time I have chosen 25 that show significant points in the sequence.

Kinetic Type 1

This is 25 screen shots from a kenetic type video using a section from the film V for Vendetta, I have taken the screen shots in equal points throughout the video.